Sorry i hadn't been updating my blog. i know there have been a "blog-lag" for close to 2 weeks. many things are happening at home at the moment. some rather bad. am going through a rather rough patch in life. things hadn't been that bad before.
however daily life continues. so anyway last weekend my office organised a outing trip. a Visit to Peranakan musuem. its located just behind the old Towel Club! i guess many people have been to towel club ( i hadn't been there before though, but its closed now) without knowing that a heritage museum is just right behind it.
however daily life continues. so anyway last weekend my office organised a outing trip. a Visit to Peranakan musuem. its located just behind the old Towel Club! i guess many people have been to towel club ( i hadn't been there before though, but its closed now) without knowing that a heritage museum is just right behind it.
anyway, its compulsory for the people in my office, so no matter how much i dun wanna go, still have to go.
The building is just located right beside substation. nothing special. but i tot the way the light shines onto building was simple beautiful. ya... a lot of us were wondering if Jeanette Aw will come out of the building, all dressed up in nonya clothes, to welcome us. Hell..... Nope. din happen. hahaha
A stone statue stands outside the building. its amazing how the details on the face looks so real.
nothing about this eagle. just thought that the lightings looks good in this photo.
spotted a few old photos in the gallery. do you know that there are more than 10 different types of peranakan in singapore? ya... and dun be deceived by Jeanette Aw, Joanne Peh.... based on all the old pics i have seen.... not all looks gorgeous. :P can you just imagine the people in the pic..... if they are the actors / actresses of "Little Nonya".....
i tot the head dress and jewellery they wore.... are rather elaborated... most looks like gold, however someone read the words below and exclaimed. "Its SILVER". hmm.... my idea of silver are to looks shiny.....
The main hall settings. the 2 pics are of 2 singapore famous actor and actress. i can;t remember the name though... but i do remember that i kindda like watch the female actress in sitcoms.
The Stitch works of a nonya.
The different type of gods that peranakan chinese pray to.
The family altar.
The dinning table. in older times, will really be filled with food. there actually will be more than 20 over type of food laid out for a single grand dinner. ie to say, all the plates / bowls you see in the pic, will really all be filled with food in older times~ kaoz.... every meal is a buffet....
The kitchen is fully displayed in the museum. However... only one thing in the whole kitchen caught my attention....

a pair of clogs. how is this pair of clogs wearable???
a full set of urns / pots are on display. though the paintings looks really detailed. but i just dunno how to appreaciate such arts. haha
Quite interesting.... some magazines that old peranakan chinese read. don't ask me why the title of the magazine says "Fortnightly Romanised Malay Magazine", but yet.... the graphics shows some people in ancient china clothes. haha
inside of the magazine. (i presume)
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