Many people do not know that Stoner is actually a Bi. Just that, later part in life, i choose to date guys over girls.

Previously had a few girlfriend. some good some bad.... The main difference between dating a guy and dating a girl is perhapes the emotion part.
Girls tends to have higher expectation of you. When they act a certain way, they would very much wants you to react in another certain way. and if you dun, hell break loose. But being the Bo Chup type of person i am with girls, they soon realise that throwing temper on me is practically useless. i'll just avoid them for a while. they will starts to call soon, once they discovered that something is wrong.
When your BF fusses over you, he will usually ask if you have eaten, remind you of certain appointments that you made, cheer you up when you are feeling down, leave you alone when you dun wanna be disturbed.
But when your GF fusses over you, another whole different scenerio. they will want to accompany you to eat (or rather make you accompany her), wants you to fetch her from work (even when her workplace is 5 mins away from her house), insist that she be physically present when you are feeling down and wanna be left alone (as if trying to proof that her presence will ease your misery, which usually will end up in quarrel)
and to note.... when your gf tells you "NO"... she usually means "YES!" and when you take her "No" for an answer, she will kick up a fuss saying that you dun understand her....

However when i date a girl, i usually will make known that i'm not the marrying type, and that i have marriage phobia. initially when they are very much in love with you, they will tell you that they are not the marrying type too!
But as days gone by... slowly slowly the topic of marriage starts to come up. they will start by telling you that so and so is getting married ley, so and so is pregnant, so and so is so blissful, so and so's husband treat so and so very good, etc.
when you try to ignore it, they will then "accidently" walk into a bridal exibition and starts exclaiming that certain wedding gowns looks good. some might even wants you to go do a "Make-Over" photo shoot with them.
erm.... when all these starts happening.... its time to stop the relationship. (For me) since i got marriage phobia, dun think that i should waste ppl's time anyway.

i remember many years ago, there was a girl, whom i used to work with, was very close with me then. but somehow.... she is not really my "type". so i somehow maintained my distance. But one day when my mum suddenly come and ask me :" XXX is your GF izzit? bring her home let me see lar."
i was puzzled how cum she knows the name of my female friend. Upon probing, i discovered that XXX have been calling my house and chit chat with my MUM!!!!. damn. i didn't even give her my house number..... i immediately call up singtel and disconnected my house line. and yes..... to date, my house do not have a fixed line. everyone uses mobile in my house.

Previously had a few girlfriend. some good some bad.... The main difference between dating a guy and dating a girl is perhapes the emotion part.
Girls tends to have higher expectation of you. When they act a certain way, they would very much wants you to react in another certain way. and if you dun, hell break loose. But being the Bo Chup type of person i am with girls, they soon realise that throwing temper on me is practically useless. i'll just avoid them for a while. they will starts to call soon, once they discovered that something is wrong.
When your BF fusses over you, he will usually ask if you have eaten, remind you of certain appointments that you made, cheer you up when you are feeling down, leave you alone when you dun wanna be disturbed.
But when your GF fusses over you, another whole different scenerio. they will want to accompany you to eat (or rather make you accompany her), wants you to fetch her from work (even when her workplace is 5 mins away from her house), insist that she be physically present when you are feeling down and wanna be left alone (as if trying to proof that her presence will ease your misery, which usually will end up in quarrel)
and to note.... when your gf tells you "NO"... she usually means "YES!" and when you take her "No" for an answer, she will kick up a fuss saying that you dun understand her....

However when i date a girl, i usually will make known that i'm not the marrying type, and that i have marriage phobia. initially when they are very much in love with you, they will tell you that they are not the marrying type too!
But as days gone by... slowly slowly the topic of marriage starts to come up. they will start by telling you that so and so is getting married ley, so and so is pregnant, so and so is so blissful, so and so's husband treat so and so very good, etc.
when you try to ignore it, they will then "accidently" walk into a bridal exibition and starts exclaiming that certain wedding gowns looks good. some might even wants you to go do a "Make-Over" photo shoot with them.
erm.... when all these starts happening.... its time to stop the relationship. (For me) since i got marriage phobia, dun think that i should waste ppl's time anyway.

i remember many years ago, there was a girl, whom i used to work with, was very close with me then. but somehow.... she is not really my "type". so i somehow maintained my distance. But one day when my mum suddenly come and ask me :" XXX is your GF izzit? bring her home let me see lar."
i was puzzled how cum she knows the name of my female friend. Upon probing, i discovered that XXX have been calling my house and chit chat with my MUM!!!!. damn. i didn't even give her my house number..... i immediately call up singtel and disconnected my house line. and yes..... to date, my house do not have a fixed line. everyone uses mobile in my house.
Song Of The Moment:男人.女人