Wednesday, June 25, 2008


many people have known me since the day i went for the 1st gathering in BW. but....... if i were to ask you a question: "What do you know about Stoner?" majority of the people will suddenly have a bubble of "????" floating above their head immediately. haha nah. dun worry. its normal. i tends to build a wall among me and others usually. in a way, you could say you briefly knows about stoner, or heard from someone about stoner. but few actually can say they knows anything in details about stoner.

was rather depress the other day... and suddenly discovered that i actually made quite a few good friends over the internet.

1st on the list: Takahome

despite working quite late, being tired and saving for his trip to taiwan, upon knowing that i was depress and wanted to mahjong to destress, he actually came out to meet me for mahjong at 9 plus in the nite on a weekday! ya he was always there for me. :P he knows me quite well, though not as well as i know him. haha and. ya. we used to meet 2-4am in the morning for supper, or should i say early breakfast before bed. haha usually at Mac Donalds in Yishun. and ya, we do call each other to tok about really BO LIAO stuffs. haha sometimes it is so bo liao that i'm amazed. he would call me and tell me he saw a really cute guy who just walked pass him etc, and i would sms him telling him that i spotted a yandao guy jogging topless pass my taxi. hahaha ya. we really bo liao. we know. :P he is the only one that dispite being younger than me, clicks with me. haha

2nd on the list: LupCheong

i sent him an sms telling him why i was depress, haha somehow, his replies are always filled with positive energy. making me not so negative. and when he knows i might want to mahjong to "run away from reality" for a while, he immediately agreeded. despite the fact that he dun really like to play mahjong late in the nite. anyway i think he is the only one who truely knows what i am going through ba. cos among all, he knew the most about me. i am comfortable enough to let him knows so much things about me.

3rd on the list: NFB

meow although din really know what happened to me, but when i called him asking him if he wans mahjong, he agreeded immediately. haha but i must say, its nice being meow's friend. sometimes when we go to LC's house for mahjong, he knows that i have a special liking for Coke Light. he would actually buy me a can or 2 on his way. or sometimes he will actually get us some tidbits on his way. haha ok.. the main reason why he came in 3rd above everyone, is simply because... there was once he brought 2 bar of chocolate to LC house. and he gave me one whole bar! haha the 3 of them have to share one single bar :P meow meow have the biggest heart of all. and he is also one of the sweetest. :P

4th on the list: Asura

he's always ready to help a friend in need. what more can i say?

in case you are wondering why you are not my very close friends yet..... well... i can only say..... QUICK~ GO LEARN MAHJONG~ hahaha 1-3 are my regular mahjong kahkis~ haha 感情是在麻将桌上慢慢培养的 haha

ya.....i dedicate the song below to those listed above... :)

Song Of The Day: 范瑋琪 --- 一个像夏天一个像秋天


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