Monday, June 30, 2008

Asthma = Weight Gain?

hm.... as some of you might have known by now.....Stoner have Asthma problems.

yeap... everything started with just a minor Flu... which developed into airway infection... which in turn developed into lung infection. post recovery from lung infection, i was tested and certified by my doctor that i have Asthma.

initially, i was only given a very mild inhaler to take as necessary. was reminded to bring with me wherever i go. which i turned a deaf ear on. i have some frens with asthma too, but was never told the seriousness of the illness.

i rem the first time i had my asthma attack.... i was taking IPPT in camp. halfway through my 2.4KM run... i suddenly felt breathless... which i think nothing much of... (what you expect? feeling fresh while running?) and then almost immediately, i started to breath with a hissing sound.... using a lot of strength to try to breath.... it seem like i was taking in large breath of air, but also at the same time, i felt like i am not getting any air.. the feeling was damn miserable. it got so miserable that i started to have chestpain... it seems like my soul floated out of my body, looking at myself from above, whom was grasping for air. anyway to cut the story short, i ended up in my camp's medical center. i can only say the medic that was on standby, was really efficient! hahaha anyway i was refered to a specialist.

ya.... i was medically downgraded to PES C9. i used to be PES A, commando material~~~ hahaha anyway my IPPT usually gets silver every year... so a bit sad lar..... but happy at the same time.. i am now EXCUSED from IPPT! yeah~~ hahaha

anyway back to the seems like everytime i go to my specialist, i was told that my asthma was getting more and more serious.

so they keep changing medications for me. started off with normal inhaler, now i am taking a ultra strong inhaler with steriod! sigh.... official steriod ley~~ i should have started gymming then.... DAMN. haha

long usage of the medication caused my sex drive to decrease. nowadays seems like i can, not cum for like 2 whole weeks~ prior to that, i cum almost everyday. :P

the more serious side effect is that it will cause weight gain! damn, ever since i started on that medication..... it seems like my weight have been going nowhere but UP! damn. i was also told that the medication was the very same medication that made Chen Li Ping fat... initially when i was told that it will not be a long term side effect, i was not really worried. as i have always have a problems with weight yo yo. but after taking the medication for a few months now.... i am starting to get a bit worried.

What if i really cannot slim down anymore? What if i need to take the medication for long term? there are just too many What Ifs.....although i am not saying All... but most people who likes me.... usually likes me cos of looks. so when i know that i am starting to attract a lot of CHASERS now..... erm..... i am even more worried.

many people have also wondered about why the sudden weight gain over the last 1 year. But i think that they too pai say to ask too..haha which i most likely will be too lazy to explain also lar....

so now i am explaining once and for all...... so erm... hope this clears your doubt.

anyway..... even though i was told that the side effect will not be long term.... but then whenever i on TV and saw Chen Li Ping.. erm.... i gets kindda worried. haha

so tomolo on i am gonna conduct an experiement......

i shall stop the medication for time being..... then go jogging, and control my diet for about one week. see if really will have weight loss a not. of cos, you cannot expect me to change back into how i look 1 year ago.... but then... as long as can proof that side effect of the medication can be cancelled out.... at least i will not be as worried. this experiment will last for one week. one week later will post another blog to let you guys knows the result.

i used to weigh 145 KG... which i cut down to 74 kg..... now i am 88-90 kg! damn. think i better slim down fast.

ALTERNATIVELY..... if i struck BIG SWEEP this wednesdays... hahaa LIPO suction , tummy tuck and stomach bypass will be an even more efficient way to slim down. LOL

Song Of The Day: 大肚南 -- 阿牛

Biangs i cannot find the song i wan in you tube... end up i have to create a "video" and upload into you tube before pasting here...... gee.......



不要緊啦 拿來當枕頭睡羅

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