went to Tan Tok Seng for a Day surgery today. its what doctors call a cystocopy. Cystoscopy is the use of a scope (cystoscope) to examine the bladder. This is done either to look at the bladder for abnormalities or to help with surgery being performed on the inside of the urinary tract.

so i went to the hospital in the afternoon, was asked to put all my belonging in a paper envelope, and told to wait at a sitting lounge. i was hella nervous. afterall, having an instrument pushed up your penis is no man's idea of a good time.
so anyway, when it was my turn, they brought me to this operating theatre, and ask me to take off my pants.. which i did. damn, they do not have a place for you to place yoru stuffs. so i placed my bag on the floor, and my jeans and underwear beside my pillow.
Heng i was wearing a grey Byford underwear today :P dun wanna be caught dead in some torn dirty underwear. haha
so there i was half naked, lying on the bed, showing off my soft dick to about 3 female nurse and a male doctor. the doctor proceed to sterilize me pubic area.... and using a stringe, inserted some liquid (or was it gel) INTO my peehole..... the feeling was weird.. now painful actually.... but really weird that your urine is flowing backward.
then he rub the shaft downwards, letting the fluid flow into my bladder. this point of time, i have the urge to pee... the doc said its normal.... of cos i din pee.. just having that wanna pee feeling.

then the doctor brought out the cystoscope, and insert into my peehole... my eyes were all the while stuck on the TV screen itself, i dared not look down... i mean. just look at that scope! imagine it going into your pee hole..... yucks...
the "weird" feeling was damn intense! i witness the inside of my urinary tract, all the way to the prostate, the doctor said that this is there it will be the most uncomfortable... and IT SURE IS UNCOMFORTABLE! anyway the scope pushed past my prostate and went into my bladder. i almost jerk up of the bed! i was told to relax.... and take deep breath. i was so terrified that i dare not even dare squeeze my muscle... thus all the while i was so worried that i will just start peeing on the operating bed!

the whole procedure was done within 5 mins... and after confirming that i had passed the stone (that was visible in the RMI and ultrasonic test) out from my bladder. he proceed to take the scope out of my penis......
just as the scope was coming out, i could feel fluids (or was it my urine) flowing out of my dick together! i was pai say!
i was advised that later in the night i would feel a bit of a pain, but should heal after a night's rest. told to drink more water, and after cleaning myself... i was lead out of the operating theatre.
felt like there's something stuck in my dick, and a very strong urge to pee..... so i went toilet to pee. The Pain from peeing..... is Excruciating! i almost screamed! but i tried to force my pee out asap... and i could feel some air escaping from my bladder. it felt like i had just shot out a marble from my penis!. and then comes the BURNING PAIN! it felt like the inside of my penis is set on fire!
it was so painful that i had to stand there, over the toilet bowl for a few mins, unable to move! it was horrible! after i managed to zip myself up, i left the toilet went back to the sitting area... but about 2 mins later, i have the sudden urge to go to toilet again. and i rushed to the toilet. it sorta felt like i am unable to control my bladder!. and the burning sensation continues...
i sat there for like.... more than 1/2 hour trying to contain the burning pain, before i was able to leave the place. when i was checking out, i was asking the nurse if it normal for the burning pain. i was told that after a Cystoscopy test, there usually will be an inflamation of the urinary tact.... so when my pee, which is naturally salty pass through it, it will feel like its burning. its just like rubbing salt on open wound.
i was told to drink a lot of water. so as to dilute my urine... and advised to take panadols if the pain gets bad.
with that advise, i left the place, took an MRT home. came home, immediately took some extra strong Panadols, and just lie on my bed, and start to watch TV. i dare not move too much, nor did i dare to go pee! the burning pain finally subsized. dats why i do not wan to "activate" it again. damn. end up i was lying on my bed, watching the whole season 1 of Janice Dickinson Modelling agency. all 10 Episode!
Even now when i am typing... i still am wary when i have the urge to pee. so i will get up, take 2 tabs of extra strong panadol, wait for 10 mins, before i go toilet to pee. damn.
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