Monday, October 27, 2008


Lately been busy with work, so have not been posting much. Exercise period. and damn.. i was so busy that i leave house before sun goes up in the sky... reach home only when the moon is clearly visible in the sky....


The reason for me being busy is because i was, at the same time, teaching 2 understudy. There were taking over my appointment. i was promoted to take over another appointment.

i never new that my old appointment was THAT demanding... because when i try to hand over my things to my understudy, they totally have no clue on what to do, what to expect, when to do what.... even when i clearly briefed them again and again.

My 2 understudy, lets call them A and B at this point of time, never failed to amaze me. A is very hardworking, though he is a bit slow, he is willing to learn, whenever i task him a specific job, he will really follow through and ensure that there are no lapses on the process. however, he is really slow in learning. and the fact that he cannot multi task. he can only do ONE single thing at a time...

B, is a bright person, however i think his brightness got the better of him. he is unwilling to learn, always MIA (Missing in Action), when ever you task him something to do, it takes him days to do, always trying to find the easy way out. i mean... official tea break time = 15mins, however he always goes for 1 hour tea break, and 2 hours lunch..... that's why he has already been "marked" LOL. all the other seniors are already eyeing him.

i actually have this sign dispalyed on my white board "NO BODY NOTICE WHAT I DO, UNTIL I DON'T DO IT". initially when i displayed that on my board, people were like joking. it was only until recently that they realised that many things starts to go wrong, when i totally handed over my appointment and they realised that their request could not be met within the required time frame. And many things starts to "cock up".

many people are also surprised that.... i have 2 people taking over the job that i was doing... why is it that things are still going wrong? Simple.... that was because.... i single handedly took over the job scope of 3 people last time....

they are also amazed that with 3 person's job scope, i still can find time to clear leave, clear offs, clear "MC" :P. and yet nothing goes wrong. haha baseline, my job is all about stratagic planning and multi tasking... which my understudy can't seems to do. (which i always felt like vomitting blood.)

ya... its been a busy week...but then... somehow felt that i was never appreciated..... until recently. Just did a performance gauge recently by my boss.. was told to expect a bigger bonus by the end of this work year. YEAH~~~~

Things certainly are looking well. :)

Song of the Day: S.H.E -- 安靜了

realised that the guy in the MV looked like my ex.... LOL

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