guess what? x-mini recently just recently launched another range of capsules. called X-minimax.
the good thing about this capsule, is that they do not require external power. the built in battery can ensure you a good 8-10 hours of continuous play upon one full charge. The battery in the pic is just for demonstration on the actual size of the speakers. it is not the speaker's battery.

I can confidently say that this is one of the best sounding-per-ounce set of speakers on the market today, that is to say, after taking into consideration the basic limitations of such a small package, the main mission of portability for this product, and the price range it is offered in.
The two speakers weigh in at just 100grams, and when closed and stuck together using the integrated magnets, measures a tiny 52 x 52 x 70 mm.
A combined charger/signal cable is included in the package, plus a felt carrying case.

The speakers “unlock” to form accordion – like speaker bodies, giving off a noticeable improvement in bass response from the closed position.
Although its performance is far from “excellent”, the level of “good enough” that it reached is more than adequate considering its portable nature and small build. you should compare these speakers with those big gigantic ones that comes with a sub woofer. but those will cost you a minimum of $150. and is not portable.
i bought mine for $60 at Challenger. its retail price is $69. well. not really bought by me lar. it was a gift :P
the only thing i do not like is the cables. can be a ted messy. but then, i was quite impressed with the sound. stereo. i have tested the sounds against those of X-mini, there IS a difference. and imagine i already was impressed by X-mini.
i actually bought another splitter, and connect all 3 speakers together, felt as if i was having a 5.1 surround sound system. hehe
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