Saturday, September 20, 2008


was too engrossed with work / mahjong / date / hospital runs / handling my own things lately, that i have not been checking blog of some of my friends. plus i was down with flu and fever these 2 days, so i took medication early today and fall asleep. woke up in the middle of the night feeling restless, so was posting and reading some of my friend's blog, and came to realise that some of my friends, namely: Asura, Buaya and Ah Bao are having some problems with their life. Namely due to "friend's" issues.

Friends meant to disappoint you sometimes..
Friends meant to say the harshest things to you sometimes...
Friends meant to give you a slap back to reality at times...
Friends meant to accept you for who you are....
Friends meant to understand what type of a person you are...
Friends are people whom you wanna share your joy and sorrow...
Friends are people whom you worry about they are in trouble...
Friends need not meet up everyday...
Friends need not say nice things to you daily...
Friends understand what you need...
Friends do not judge you...

Ah Bao: Even though your thought process are somehow different from other people, and that you are not really expressive in a way, but your sincerity never fails to touch me. sometimes its not about what you do that counts, its your intention that matters. and ya, i do like chatting with you. but you gotta get me at the right time :P and... ya, give ppl some "reaction times" after posting a question, before assuming that the other party is not interested in toking to you, cos they take a tad longer to answer your question ma... :) you are adorable in your own i said, you can't please all, don't try to change yourself to fit into the crowd. my style is always to just be who you are, and those who truely accept you for who you are, will naturally regard you as a friend.

Buaya: you worry to much. sometimes friends cannot be so calculative wan. people did not jio you for dinner or whatever, mostly is because they didn't know you free a not. (you know your routine with your boi wan...) so i think we have got used to the idea that when you are free, you will let us know, and you will come join in any gatherings. even though i seldom sms / call you, but you do know that i will always be there in times of need. (read: the diahorrea see doc inccident :P) considering my "pattern".... you think if its other people.. i will bother ah? LOL even though that me myself seldom participate in most gatherings, but at the end of the day, i know that i can always count on NFB, OB, Taka, Asu and yourself, if i am in any trouble. that always gives me a piece of mind.... :)

Asu: i do not know what happened, as the blog entree was too short... but then i figured that you must have been really disappointed to have come to that decision. like i always tell you, the higher the expectations, the more painful the fall. spend some times to get over certain things and re-emerge as a new man. life goes on. do not brood over things for an extended period of time. Even though we have very different opinions on most of the things, but do give me a buzz if you need to let it out.. *hugs*

also would like to thank the following...

NFB -- enough have been said about this fabulous, humourous guy. before others start to think i am hard selling him. hehehe

Taka -- always being there for me.

WonderBoy -- due to his "special" relationship with taka nowadays, he sorta became this person whom i have been disturbing recently. haha

OB -- like you always said. "i dun judge, i'm pro-choice!" haha and i seriously love you to death for that. haha

Leona -- not from BW, but he had been my close bimbo friend like... FOREVER. hehe Muaks

Although i seldom meet up with you guys, but you all are always in my mind. :) below is a song for all of you. hope everything is well with you all. Best Wishes!

Song Of The Day: 祝君好

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