Friday, August 29, 2008
Ken Lee
will you feel guilty for breaking his heart then?
will you feel happy that you see him again?
will you feel very pai say that you see him again?
will you act like nothing's ever happened?
will you think about the old times?
i'm sure that you had dated quite a few people to date. there are some whom you wished that you will never see them again, there are some whom you wished everyday that you will bump into them, there are some whom you will miss, there are some whom you wished you never met them.
and... yes, i bumped into someone i used to date earlier today. a bit surprised. but it was pleasant. :) felt very pai say about the way i used to make him give in to me though. haha
Song Of The Day: 范瑋琪-我們的紀念日
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Ops Success
As told by the doctor earlier, the success rate is not very high. as this operation is done on the neck, which have many other implication. so me and my bro were actually keeping out fingers crossed, my mum insisted on the operation, for she will be bed ridden for life, had she not opt for the operation.
As the doctor is scheduled to perform a couple of operations today, thus the exact timing of my mum's slot is unknown, however the doctor promised to call us, AFTER the operation.... we were like ... HAR? high risk operation, and will call us only after the operation? what if, touch wood, something happen during the operation? that will mean that we will not able to see her for the last time....
when she finally emerged from the operating theatre at around 6.30pm just now, we could only catch a glimpse of her on the other side of the glass wall... she looks weak, however the nurse, gave me a smile, which i took it as a sign of successful operation.
she was immediately pushed into the Intensive Care Unit. where she will be staying for the next few days, before transfering to the therapy ward.
the doctor spoke to me for a while, telling me about the operation success, and also warning me that the next 2 days is very critical for her. swellings are expected, and that we are to be extra careful when in contact with her, as gems are very likely to cause her wound infection. i was also told that my mum lost quite an great amount of blood during the operation. however i was assured that there will be blood for transfusion immediately if required.
i was also told by another (very cute) male doctor that they will be taking x ray to see if everything is okie internally, and if the metal plate is fitted correctly, and also that my mum will have to wait for 2 days, before they can proceed with any other forms of check on her. as her body is very weak now.
when i saw my mum lying on the bed, suddenly struck me... life really is unpredictable.. last thursday morning, she was still "healthy" and were travelling her and there to do the groceries, cooking.... then evening time suddenly become paralyze, post nap at my aunt's house.... things really just happen within a snap of a finger..
life is short, live it to the fullest.. Live your life without regrets.. don't be someone who they forget.
Song Of The Day: 張惠妹- 人質
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Invisible Trade
anyway was ransacking through my cupboard just now, came across this book which i had totally forgotten i own. "Invisible Trade" its actually a compilation of short stories on High-class sex for sale in Singapore. from author : Gerrie Lim.
10 different stories about the sex trade in singapore. (mostly str8 ) but there's also a story about this 26 year old writer who had been part time escort for the last 4 years... his client? Gay Guys...
till today, when i was reading it again, i couldn't make out if the stories are fictional or non-fictional. haha anyway, its worth a good read i guess.... get your hands on one if you can. :) it used to cost $19.90 (it was a gift from someone though...) at borders.
lately try to go to the hospital on a daily basis. saddens me to see her lying there. as her lower body is paralyzed... and she is wearing a neck brace, there is totally nothing she can do but just lie there flat on the bed. stare at the ceiling. doing absolutely nothing.
did all i could to cheer her up. anyway i understand that some of my frens have been praying for her too.. thank you all. i thank you on her behalf.... *hugs*
LG Handphones
so today when i got the phone, i was quite surprised. imagine over 500 got a phone each. LOL its definately better than the usual Pen / bag i think.

anyway i opt for the white colour then. (thank god i did... it looks good.)

My colleague din really wan the phone, so she gave me instead. her's is black colour.
anyway i will be giving to my 2 nephews ba. its about time they start using handphones anyway. one each. no need to fight.
Song Of The Day: 潘瑋柏 -- 轉機
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Death Race
today someone followed me to visit my mum, and after that he pulled me to watch movie with him.... was given 3 choice.
Love Guru
Money No Enough 2
Death Race
immediately picked Death Race. not that i do not support local production, but thought i read it somewhere that Money No Enough 2 is not very good. anyway i sometimes finds Jack Neo's joke too corney for my liking.
and also, i remembered i saw Death Race trailer, when i went to watch Dark Knights, and immediately decided that i MUST watch death race then.
anyway.... VERY GOOD show. a bit too bloody though... its NC16. which means.... its a movie about Violence...
however, when you watch the show, remember to throw away all sense of logic. do not question why government can kill civilians just cos they want you, or why prisoners can escape from prison without getting caught....
although the cars in the show are not as fanciful as Toykyo Drift, but the racing scenes, however, are very well taken, very exciting, very attention churning. i rate it an 8 out of 10.
1 Million
anyway today suddenly came across this hokkien song somewhere.. tot was rather funny.....
Rough Translation.
if only i had 1 million dollars....
1 million dollars...
i have 1 million dollars....
i can relax my whole life....
no one knows as i've never said...
once i say i feel shy...
at my age....
i have never stepped onto a plane.
worked hard all these years...
yet i have no car, no house and no lover.
watching ppl marry wife, and do business
have money, and have style.
if only i had 1 million dollars....
i wanna sit on a plane,
i wanna tour the world,
go Hawaii suntan,
go japan eat sushi...
if only i had 1 million dollars....
i wanna buy car, buy house,
all the good food,
who is so fortunate to be my wife?
if only i had 1 million dollars....
1 million dollars...
if you are short of money...
Just ask, and dun be shy...
no one knows as i've never said...
once i say i feel shy...
at my age....
i have never stepped onto a plane.
worked hard all these years...
yet i have no car, no house and no lover.
watching ppl marry wife, and do business
have money, and have style.
if only i had 1 million dollars....
i wanna sit on a plane,
i wanna tour the world,
go Italy drink coffee,
at roadside stall eat Spagetti...
if only i had 1 million dollars....
i wanna buy car, buy house,
Buy shops, collect rents,
free free no need to work,
Bring my dog for a walk....
Thursday, August 21, 2008
My Mum
2 mins later, my phone rang again, with the sign "Mum's HP" appeared on my screen again. i answered the phone, in not the best of tone of voice... to my surprise, its not my mum on the other side of the line... it was my aunt. turns out, my mum have went to my aunt's house in Hougang.
"Boy ah, your mummy say her body is numb, you wanna come over to bring her go and see doctor?" i was stunn by the news, but i tot it was not very big of an issue, as she still can calls me, until my aunt tells me the seriousness.... "Your mummy say her legs got no strength, and she cannot move her legs, you might want to quickily come over and accompany her in the ambulance?" *and my mum was insisting in the background saying that she only need to come home rest a while and she will be ok....*
this time, i got really worried. i told my aunt not to let my mum come back no matter what, and i will rush over. thus quickily changed called my eldest brother and took a cab to my aunt's house. my brother will be driving over from his office.
When i reach my aunt's place, i saw her half lying on the sofa, but i only realise how serious was it, when i was helping her to sit upright.... her lower part of the body was not moving.... i quickily call the Ambulance, dispite her protest.
the ambulance reach the place within 5 mins. we were quite surprise on the efficiency of the ambulance. My brother reached around the same time as the ambulance. just before the paramedic wanted to bring her away, she said she need to pee.. my aunt and i helped her into the washroom. my mum really couldn;t walk. but what worries me is that, standing outside the washroom, i heard her and my aunt saying something that, she felt the urge to pee, but just cannot pee.....
she gave up, and i helped her into the medic bed and we sets off to Changi Hospital.
upon reaching the hospital, me and my bro waited at the waiting area, while the doctor examines my mum. a few hours of waiting later, and a couple of X ray later, the doctor came out. and mentioned something about he couldn't find the cause on why my mum is paralyse.
another few hours later, he rushed out to inform us that he suspect 2 problems.
1) Spinal injury
2) he mentioned that from the X ray, my mum have an enlarged main blood vessel, and suspect that the blood vessel is leaking.
and that he might have to send her for CT scan and RMI scan.
so for the next few hours, we waited.... it was later confirmed that my mum is having spinal problems. and that she will have to be warded.
then the doctor told us that she will grant us access into the "Restricted" area to console her. we went in. the moment i saw her on the bed, i put on a broad smile on my face. nope not that my mum is looking good, in fact, all of a sudden, she look like she aged a lot, and she looks weak, with a neck braces, lying on the bed. i was feeling very sad actually, but i still force myself to put on a smile, telling her, in a casual tone, that she will be okie, so as not to make her worry. all the while knowing how serious her condition is.
so after we are done with the admission paper, she was brought into some special wards. where further waiting takes place. anyway, after the specialist was done checking on her, she brought us one side to explain the situation.
according to the specialist, my mum is having SLIP DISC. many of my friends have slip disc problems, but what worries the doctor is that... my mum is having slip disc on her neck... and told us that it could be due to the fall a few months back.
a few months ago, i posted that my mum broke her wrist in a fall at home. she fell down while she was trying to climb up the cabinet. and her knees suddenly gave way. she landed on her back, her hands hit the ground and cracked. and also..... her head knocked onto a chair. during that time, i brought her to A & E too.
to our horror. the specialist said that the slip disc could have caused some damages during that fall. She advised us that she will have to consult her senior doctor, saying that a surgery is most proberly a must. but she also warned us that... these type of surgery that is to be carried out on the neck area, is not optimistic...
a chill of cold air ran down my spine.
i have yet to bring her to taiwan, thailand, china. i have yet to tell her that i love her. and i have yet to tell her that i knows that she dotes on me... i cannot imagine what my life will be without her. so i keep telling myself. SHE WILL DEFINATELY BE ALRIGHT....she loves me too much to desert me.
i have stayed in the hospital for more than 11 hours. it saddens me to see my mum lying there helplessly on the bed. felt like doing something for her, yet all i can do, is just to tell her everything will be ok...
just now before i left the place... she was holding onto my hands, trying assure me that she will be okie...
God, please watch over my mum... and i really love her a lot. please do not let anything happen to her....
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Celebrity-Class Romance
A likes B, B do not detest A. so in a way, there might be a possibility between A and B right? WRONG.
as EVERYONE knows that A likes B. thus it sorta became a trend that everyone starts telling B that A is how nice how nice... and all start telling B that why he should be with A, how B should accept A without thinking, and people will starts to have comments when things is not going smooth between A and B.
i must first clarify that both A and B are both good friends of mine. i do not take sides. and i have understand both sides of the story.
Don't know why, it sorta became a celebrity romance. haha where you know, every move of brad pitt and jolie is being amplified to the max. and everyone will just starts discussing about it over coffee, dinner.
the problem is that B is not the sort of person to "anyhow" jump into a relationship. Yes, i have to admit that A is a nice guy. in fact, he is a superb guy! But then, just because everyone thinks that A is a nice guy, doesn't means that B do not need time to know each other more....
sometimes in a relationship, its not about if someone is NICE or not. There are a lot of other conditions to seriously consider about.
A and B actually agreeded to take things slow, and just hang out as friends first, cos everything starts from friends....
However, the attention they are getting is starting to become absurb. All of a sudden, everything little things that A decides, everyone starts to think that it is linked to B. when B did not meet A, people will start to ask, why B did not meet A? Go out in a group, and someone else was sitting beside B, people will ask why is A not sitting beside B?
isn't it a bit stressful? at the end of the day, does it matters if everyone thinks that A and B should be together? Do you really think there will be happiness, if B, unable to accept peer pressure, and chin chye accepts A for time being, only to breaks off a while later?
isn't what A and B really felt, that is more important in their relationship? or is "What other ppl thinks" more important in their relationship?
at the end of the day, i know that A will be more happy, if one day B accepts him, not because B is touched, not because B feels guilty, but because B feels that they can have a future together. i also know that A is happy the way it is, even if in the end, B did not choose to be with him. at least A tried. there are no regrets.
if you really know B as a friend, you should know that he is those sort of people, who, The more you want him to do certain things, he more he will detest it.
i know everyone have the interest of A and B at heart. but did it occur to you that... while you are all trying to give your point of views, hoping to talk B into accepting A NOW, it will only leads to B cutting off A totally? causing their "relationship" to die prematurely, without even them have the chance to try it out.
i am sure no one will want that to happen. for i also know that A will be very depress if things were to end up this way.
Afterall, what happened between them, only they will know the best... so shouldn't we just let them resolve these issues themselves?
whatever conclusions they made in the end, at least, is their own decision.
We, as outsiders, should not impost "what we think" into their relationship. they are not celebrity afterall. and they are not required to live their life for us... so if we really wish the best for them, we shouldn't interfere, at the very least.... no matter whether they work out a not in the end, at least they tried....and not influenced.
just my 2 cents worth.
Song Of The Day:
Monday, August 18, 2008
End of Chapter.
i must say that we both started reacting this way, mostly is out of initial fustration. i should not go deeper into the story, as this "drama" have passed. but i felt the need to clarify certain things...
this friend of mine thought that my posting on "廉价的友情" was targetted at him.... Yes i was a little unhappy about his "suah lor, i go bowling" thingy. but that was not the first time things like these happened, i do not see the need to blow my top about things like these. Anyway, the posting was not targetted at him. I was pissed with another friend of mine (Not from BW, in case you are wondering, and YES i have other friends outside of BW too...) i have known that guy for 10 over years. so i generally blogged "廉价的友情" so as to vent my fustration.
think my friend saw that posting and thought that my posting was targetted at him. thus he wrote a posting on "Princess" in his blog.
which at first glance, i tot was pin pointing at me. my immediate reaction was "he was not happy with me saying 'Suah Lor', also no need to post till like that". ya.. that posting disclosed some of my personal thoughts/things that my friend once promised to keet them a secret. i was fuming.
that night, i received a number of sms and calls from other friends, all trying to show their concerns. i was playing mahjong that night. thus was kindda shock to see that posting (on the mahjong table with my handphone), it somehow caught me off guard. think i especially mind the inccident, cos it came from a really really close friend. thus when i got over the thing, and i blogged on "Emotions", but this time, trying to explain my emotional path, also in a way, to let my friends know that i am alright already.
think that friend was offended by some of the things i said in "Emotions", he posted another "Angel Or Devil", which i find offensive.... neitherless, what have happened have happened.
And nope, i am no longer angry with him, nor will i avoid him.
and in case you are wondering, what if i were to bump into him one day, catfight?
LOL nah... i will just have a smile on my face.
at the end of the day, while we could no longer be close friends, i do not see the need for me and him to become enemies. afterall, he knows me best, and i knows him well....
gosh... i think this episode is getting draggy. lets move on from here. shall we? :) i apologise if this inccident caused inconvenience for anyone,especially to those who were innocently dragged into the chaos.
And thanks to all the friends who have sent me sms showing your concerns. i appreciate it :) Thanks.
Song Of The Day:
Sunday, August 17, 2008
When i first know OB, the first impression he gave me was.."WAH! HE SIBEH TALL!!!" hahaha ya, his height can be quit intimidating. but then, as you know him more and more..... nah~ dun be deceived. he's got the heart of TOFU~ hahaha seldom hear him being angry, *the only time i think is the Mee Kia inccident nia* haha and seriously, i do admire him, for the way he handle criticism, always with grace. so on this special day, i wanna wish this special friend:
天天开心,年年美丽! hahaha
Durex Play Tingle
just for the record, scat and S&M are not in my "To-Do" List :P.
So anyway, was walking around in Guardian and came across this lubricant called PLAY TINGLE. was kindda attracted by the green bottle ( i like GREEN! haha) and i have tried their PLAY WARMING before, and quite like it. i bought the lubricant. but as i was previously using Durex 2 in 1 massage gel and lubricant. so i didn't really start using the TINGLE immediately.

There was once, i went out with a date, and both of us got horny.... and..... the topic of sex came up. so instead of talking about sex, we decide to do the actual action. LOL the initial agreement was that we take turns fulfilling the role of the Top and Btm. (yup, he's a flexi too)
Anyway, the PLAY TINGLE lubricant was used in the foreplay... (read: fingering), the moment i had the lubricant applied on my ass, i immediately regretted buying that. The "Menthol" feeling was so great, that i immediately jumped out of the position that i was in. Yup, the feeling was soooooooo intense that i totally could not felt any other things at my back. :P its just felt like someone had created a mixture of 风油 (Medicated Oil) and normal KY, and aplied it on your ass. (OUCH!)
damn, but i think the other party was already very high, so i just bit my lower lips and went through the whole thing. LOL damn, i was trying all my might to make him cum fast! haha the "Cooling Effect" was like. ARGHHHHH i can only say it took away all my Horniness. LOL
thank god, he din take long to cum, after he came, i think i let out a Sigh of Relieve. LOL and he just lie on the bed, offering to let me do him. it was only then that i let out the news about the "Cooling effect" of the lubricant. he was a bit stunn at first. he had not associate the "cooling effect" that his fingers felt, with my ass :P only then did it hit him. LOL anyway, i just let him jblew me. since we are both already inside a hotel, i tot that i might as well come. LOL (Cheapo i know. haha)
anyway for the next 2 hours, i was like walking around with the feeling like i had medicated oil spilled on inside of my ass. DAMN.
came home, went to google website and saw the following.....
"This long lasting Play Tingle lubricant can be applied all over the body making it ideal for a top to toe tingling experience.
Water soluble and safe to use with condoms
Non greasy and odourless
Available in 100ml
Play Tingle is not suitable for internal anal use
Avoid contact with delicate, porous, painted or polished surfaces "
Damn!!! Why had they not printed the "Not Suitable for Internal Anal Use" ON the bottle itself? haha DOUBLE DAMN. hahaha
i tot the product was very stoopid. why would any one wanna masturbate / or why would anyone wanna have the feeling of spilling Medicated Oil on their Dick / Virginal? and the product MUST be used in conjunction of a condom, if not your dick will BURN! (at least that's what i think)
think, in future, i shall strictly stick to my trusted "DUREX 2 IN 1 MASSAGE GEL AND LUBRICANT", where a little goes a veryyyyyyyy long way. hahaha

below is a commercial of the Durex 2 in 1 gel. haha
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Secrets of Life.
and i heard... "i 'PassTheBed' alot".... and i was thinking what the hell was that...... haha then taka told me to change the "P" to "M" and i hear again :P
so now you have it..... the secret to staying young. Masturbate everyday. LOL
Thanks to taka for "Showing Me The Light" LOL.
its kindda amazing how human being's emotion functions.
Last night: 2 party were talking and chatting like they have known each other forever,
Tonight: just the thought / mention of the other party actually brings a very very negative feeling all over your body.
Current: no special emotions towards the other party.
Yeap, when i know a "Judgemental God" was passing some remarks earlier, which he had once promised not to mentioned to anyone, i was fuming. i then sent an sms to the "God" for clarification. and not surprising... he replied me "The truth hurts, I'm sorry". Yeap, i was fuming mad. and yes, to the extend that i was cursing and swearing at the Un-ethical "God" (in my heart of cos), all the while hoping that he will just rot in hell.
Then slowly, the anger develops into aching of the heart. why is there a need for 2 originally good friends to end up this way. what was the triggering point? How is it possible for a human being's emotion to fluctuate at the snap of a finger? was overwhelmed by a sense of grief, that other friends with me actually are concerned, and are constantly asking me if i am alright. (Thanks!)
Then slowly, the sense of grief starts to disappear. and what was left behind was a big void, that is unable to be filled by any other emotions. this is when all forms of feelings towards someone just died off. i was pretty surprised that the tot of a particular person, actually brings no anger or another other feelings.
its kindda contridicting, that just one day before, that person's well-being was still your piority. and now, you just don't want to have any linkages with a particular person.
Think i have realised that, its hard loving someone, but its even harder to hate someone. Why drown yourself in hate, when you can choose to free yourself from all these trouble?
Though i am still having problems with how people perceive the word "Ethics", but i think i do have to thank this person , for he indeed was quite a nice friend, before everything happens.
Thanks. period.
Song Of The Day: Spice Girls - Goodbye
Friday, August 15, 2008
in case you are wondering... haha some of the BWers calls me Stoney wan :P
Lobo - Stoney
他们心烦, 我会去开导他们。
他们有事, 我一定会尽我能力帮忙。
我是不吃这一套的。 谢谢。
Song Of The Day: 阮丹青-忠告
Thursday, August 14, 2008
the highlights of the show actually the interaction between the host and the guest. i dun really know how should i explain. below is a clip from the show that should explain why i tot the show is nice and funny.
the guy singing in the show is 蕭敬騰. :)
1) a few days ago, i was eating alone at the coffeeshop opposite my house... while eating halfway..... suddenly 4 young girls approached me.... i was told that one of their friends sitting on a table not far away from me, is interested in getting my numbers. i looked over..... OMG... she looked like she;s still in secondary school! thinking..... wah... nowadays school children damn HIONG... anyway i politely rejected the offer. they actually were quite persistant.... saying. "Aiyah... just make friends first lor... nothing to lose ma........." anyway i stood my ground. and still politely rejected the offer. anyway.... after a while, one of the girls walked over again, this time passing me a note. with that gal's handphone number on it. asking me to call... i was like.. WAH... fierce..... anyway i never called. but i remember her name was Jasmine.... :P cannot deny that i was kindda flattered.
i told the inccident to Meow that nite. haha he was commenting.. biangz... Yishun got a lot of Chia Char Bor. haha
2) today, on the way to meet the guys for dinner, while walking pass the Scotts building (the one after Hyatt hotel that is under renovation) suddenly a japanese lady, who look like in her early 30s, very fair, petite size and quite pretty.... suddenly stop me in my track.. asking "Massage?" i din catch her at first... so i was asking "Again?" she just smile at me and asked again "Massage?" "OH! erm.... no thanks. " and i just continue walking.... after i met the guys.. i was telling them about the inccident. they were laughing. LOL i was questioning.... Why? i got that HORNY look on my face izzit? so many ppl in the street and she choose to ask me. damn.
nothing special about these approach lar. when i was younger (and slimmer) i usually gets ppl buying me drinks when i was in Taboo and Why Not... just that these few years dun have liao. so sad. haha
Song Of The Day: 张敬轩 - 吻得太逼真
Akira Japanese Buffet

The Japanese restaurant is located at Tiong Bahru, the Link Hotel. (that hotel that is converted from some old flats) is on 1st floor, right at the corner. the above is a pic of the signboad i took outside the restaurant. look out for red lanturns hanging outside the restaurant.
you may call 67386221 for reservations. Dinner starts at 6pm, last order at 9.15pm.

The buffet itself only cost $28++ for lunch and $30 for dinner. which i find still quite reasonable. Hot green tea is free, and free flow. i ordered the Ice Green Tea, at $1 each, is also free flow. other drinks however.... i find it too pricy. ($4 for a coke! and its non free flow :P)

the above is just the front page of the 4 page menu. seperated into teppanyaki, tempura etc etc. quite nicely organised.
below are some of the dishes i ordered from the buffet menu (NOT in order of which i ate first. too lazy to re-arrange. haha)

The paperpot. soup is sweet and nice. however, the soup doesn;t seem to boil. i have to ask the waitress to add fuel to the burner, as the fire runs out quite quickily.

Chicken Tekpanyaki. with a lot of garlic, i find this dish a tad too salty. not recommended.

Teapot Soup. this is served using teacups. and half a lime. you are to squeeze the lime into the teapot and pour out the soup as if its chinese tea. taste a bittle too sour initially (due to the lime) but its rather addictive.

edamamae (dunno if spell correctly) you are only to eat the soya bean INSIDE the pea look alike thing. haha do not try to chew the whole thingy :) they give you a side plate to discard the unwanted exterior.

Tekpanyaki Scallop. from the menu, i learnt that this scallop is imported from Hakkaido. taste sweet and fresh. nice. i ordered 4 other servicing after this plate :P

Tekpanyaki prawns. personsally i prefer the other version of this. where the prawns are served on satay sticks. but this is actually not bad lar. just a bit troublesome as shells come intact.

Saba Shioyaki. (fried mackerel) this dish is a bit too fishy, but is still acceptable for me. if you are afraid of fishy taste, avoid this dish.

Curry Udon. the beef smell is VERY strong. and post stirring, i still find it a bit dry. but the more you eat, the better you find it. yum yum.

Chawamushi: taste normal. not very good, but not too bad either.

Kaki Fry. (deep fried oysters) i always have a liking for oysters. haha but try to request for mayo, it'll taste better.

Salmon Sashimi and Taco Sashimi. the salmon arrived in a boat. haha flesh is firm and thick. however i do notice that in jap restaurant, the 2nd and 3rd servings usually arrive in "Normal" plates. haha and i have to say, the first plate taste better than any other plate.

Soba: Buckwheat cold noodles. not too bad...

Prawn Tempura, Soft Shell Crab and Shitake mushrooms tempura. very crunchy and taste. especially like the shitake mushrooms.

my 2nd serving of the scallop. and also the Salmon Tekpanyaki. this salmon takpanyaki is a MUST HAVE. the fish is very fresh, plus somehow about the way they grill it.... its so yummy.

Jellyfish and Baby Octopus. both dish are my personnal fav. everytime when i add orders, i definately will order these 2. :P

They actually have these type of tradition tatami seats, where you can slot your legs under the table. very unique. please request for the special table when you dine here. it will enhance your dinning experience. :)
Thanks to Ah Chat, who help me made the reservations, and thanks to someone who buy me the dinner. :)
total bill: 2 adult buffet dinner + 1 ice green tea + Tax = $71.
oh ya. i forgot to mention, the service here is damn superb! the waitress are very attentive. in fact they are so attentive, that they will keep refilling your green tea, they will clear away the empty plates, they will also come change your plates for you, when they see any signs of shell in it. for its service, i gave it a 5 / 5! bravo~
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Car accident
so for the next hour, me and 2 more friends were waiting anxiously for him to call again. handphone placed on table, scared that accidently will missed his call.
luckily later he sms us, telling us he no longer in CTE liao, he had driven somewhere else waiting for tow truck. me and 2 friends drove down to see how is he. all along kept thinking, is he okie a not? is he injured anywhere?
THANK GOD he is not injured. he seem to be in a daze also. think its cos its the first time he is involved in car accident. so naturally he is in a shock. but overall, he is okie.
luckily one of us is very "experienced" in car accident. so he is able to advise him on what to do... haha its at times like these, that you realise how street wise your friends can be. This friend did offer very good advise lar. :)
anyway.... we send the friend home. and we went back after that.
To the friend who got in the accident: "i worried about the after effect, see a doc at the slightest sign of discomfort okie? most important thing is that you are not hurt. "
To the friend who gave advise: " wah. you really experienced! okie. now i no choice have to acknowledge that you are knowledgeable. haha thank you so much last nite."
To the friend who was there with us: " thanks for giving us your assuring presence. you did a good job calming that friend :)"
Its during times like these, where you see everyone working as a group, and underneath the usual cheeky exterior lies a caring interior. its also during times like that we know how much we care for a friend. Bless.
a song for everyone mentioned above:
Monday, August 11, 2008
anyway he intro me a song.. with a very very very LAME title.... 《北京欢迎你》..... *cold sweat*
LOL according to him, anyone who is somebody, in the chn music industry is currently very into this song...think its the Olympic song lar..... not too bad actually. haha but i tot the title....*cold sweat again*
too hard sell.... and according to OB..... this song is on his MP3 player repeat mode! horrifying..... LOL in comparision. to my Norah Jones... i think i have better taste level. LOL he actually memorised the lyrics liao. to the extend of who sang what.... hahaha
sometimes, you just can't imagine you will actually like being in the company of such a cheena person, but yet, if this person is missing in your life, i think you will miss out a lot of joy too. LOL OB ah OB~~~
just look at his enthusiastic when he recommends you a song.... you can't help but be touched.... but yet.. when you look at the song title...*cold sweat again* haha sometimes you just dunno to love him or hate him. LOL Adorable OB.
OB discovery in China :
Drag / Underwear
you will be surprised on the number of people whom have cross dressed before! at least i was. haha
anyway, back to the topic, someone mentioned that it takes a very very secured man to have the guts to put on a girl's clothes. erm...... what if he really wanna put on a girl's clothes, so that he can feel like a gal? and if so, how secured being a man is he? oh well.... different people have different views i think.
i have personally known some friends who likes to cross dress, some performed in Venom, Why Not in the past. they are Superb observers i tell you, once they put on the female clothes, they seem to be in a trance, and identify changed into another person almost immediately.
i also personally know one STR8 guy whom likes to drag. (he confined in me, after i spotted him performing drag show somewhere..) it first started when he first put on his gf's clothes, and he felt so good in it. he is str8 though, do not harbour sexual interest in guys.
then someone asked me if i have ever wore a girl's clothing before. Nope, i think i will rather die than be seen as a girl ba. (okie, i'm insecured. haha) though i have never put on a female clothings in public, me and my ex girlfriend did exchange underwears before though. just for the fun of it. it started off, post sex, she put on my brief for fun, and ask me to wear her's instead. damn. :P
firstly, the structure of a female panties and a guy's brief is very different. someone was questioning about the "extra space" for a guy's jewel. haha maybe cos i am lucky.. my ex gf did not wear those cheap panties sold in markets... haha her's is of Lycra. :P so her's is VERY stretchable. haha may i remind you that it was many many years back when i was still a teenager. haha
that was also the first time i put on lycra. (later in life, i do buy lycra blended material's brief). the main difference between her and mine.... Her's is NOT sweat absorbant... thus all my sweat was wicked onto my jeans! ew....
In a way, her panties feels a bit like my lycra blended underwear now. just tighter. :P
ya.. i buy a lot of underwears, just keep buying and buying and buying. but actually a lot never wear before. hahaha i have 2 personal favourites.
--Renoma underwear with thick waist band.
the above mentioned 2 is my all time fav. i find the waistband good, cos sometimes i like to wear low rise jeans. when you bend down, at least see a nice waist band there. LOL
Jockstrap is VERY VERY good in enhancing your butt :x
Song of the Day: Norah Jones - Don't Know Why (LIVE)
i keep playing this song again and again today for the whole afternoon on my ipod touch. i dun usually like jazz, haha but this song is an exception. :) *sing:" Don't Know Why i Didn;t Cum~~~~* the song is very calming :) This is the quality level of performance i hope to find in singapore's Piano Bar.
The above video is the LIVE version though.. if you wanna feel more Jazz. check out the original version below. Oh ya.. i know how to play the instrument Double Bass , right at the back in the setting above. that "Cello" that is as tall as a man. :P anyway seem like this song is screaming sex fustration! haha
Norah Jones - Don't Know Why
Eye on Gay Shanghai
it actually recommends some gay places in ShangHai. and they feature a free lance writer, Tiffinym who calls herself..... Shanghai No. 1 Fag Hag. hahaha quite good information though....
Eye on Gay Shanghai (Part 1 of 2)
Eye on Gay Shanghai (Part 2 of 2)
When are they gonna make one for Singapore? LOL
MobiTubia is Flash Video (FLV) Player and Full-Function YouTube portal application with real-time decoding for Series 60 3rd Edition devices. It is developed by Sittiphol Phanvilai, student in Master of Engineering Program in Computer, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. MobiTubia won Grand Prize in Forum Nokia Open C Challenge.

MobiTubia Website
Supported Device (Only tested device)
- Nokia N95
- Nokia N95 8GB
- Nokia N93
- Nokia N82
- Nokia N75
- Nokia E50
- Nokia E51
- Nokia E65
- Nokia E61
- Nokia E61i
- Nokia 6120 Classic
i am rather impressed by the online streaming of YouTube videos, seem to have no lagging... the picture quality is good, and the sound quality is good too.
the other good thing about MobiTubia is that it can lets you play your saved YouTube clips on the go too. but to do that you will have to use your PC to save the .flv (flash file) onto your PC first. then you transfer the file from your PC to your phone's SD card, then you will be able to access your save clips using MobiTubia.
if you do not know how to save the YouTube video on your PC.... go to download the latest version of the free player, install it onto your PC. upon installation, whenever you goes to a YouTube page, you will be given an option to download the video file (when you put your mouse over the video). save the file into your specific location in your PC. (Please know where your file is saved. )
if you have MobiTubia installed on your handphone, there will be a folder titled "MobiTubia" in your SD card. just move the .flv file into the folder. and Viola. you will be able to access the saved file using your phone's Mobi Tubia. just go to "Saved Clips"
Oh ya... one very important thing...... when you install the application (MobiTubia) you most likely will be prompted that the certificate have been expired. Please set your phone's date to somewhere in March 08. then install the Mobitubia again. upon successfull instalation, then set back your phone to original date.
and one more thing, if you want to watch YouTube Streaming Video on your mobile, it is recommended for you to have unlimited internet data package, or the cost will be very high. important.
Song Of The Day: 林宥嘉 -- 伯樂
Sunday, August 10, 2008
My National Day
went out with a fren today. first we went down to bugis , ate the 状元过桥面线 a restaurant today (the one beside Billy Bombers). and tot..... taste interesting..... but definately not going back again.LOL haha next passed by MU-EE, fall in love with a ciggrette box and a lighter. haha but the small shop is cramped with many people, and no one served me, so i left the place without buying anything. made a mental note to buy when i am in vivocity instead. went down to the cinema, only to know that the next show for MUMMY 3 will only be showing quite late. i decided not to watch it today. (there is always Sunday :P) spent the next few hours walking around that area....
then went orchard for a walk, my fren wanted to buy a book, so while waiting for him, i walked around the stopre and bought 2 comic book (Bleach and Naruto) for myself at Kinokuniya, then we went to eat at Food Republic. ordered curry chicken with buns.... and tot they taste really horrible. haha firstly, it was from the "mixed veg rice" stall, and the staff actually just scoop my curry chicken, out from one of the displayed dish.... next he asked me if i wan rice or buns, and told me that my curry chicken come with one (VERY VERY VERY TINY) bun. so he was asking me to buy more buns, which cost $0.70 each. in the end, i bought 3. which adds up to about $6.50.
yeap, you heard me right, i paid $6.50 for a bowl of curry chicken with 3 buns (馒头). its still reasonable if it taste good... the sad thing was.... its not. :P
next i went to Novena square, and went Donut Factory to have coffee and Donut, ordered the set. which comes with 2 donut and a choice of drinks. i chose latte anyway. Oh. there are new flavours of donut there. i ordered one that is sprinkled with coconuts. and one that have marinated cherries on top. the coconut donut..... taste horrible. the filling inside is of corn cream. normally i like my ice kachang filled with many corn cream. but it taste weird inside donut. however, the marinated cherry one is nice. yum yum. Oh ya. i also saw that they have this special donut for national day. haha a singapore flag in panted on the rectangular donut.
also saw this sling bag from one of the traveller shop at Novena having offer at $69. haha my fren offered to buy me as a gift. haha nah... i rejected the offer. cos.. i find it not versatile enough. must cross sling... next we walked into NIKE shop, as my fren was hunting for the heart rate monitoring belt that is wore across the chest. (i affectionaly calls it.. Bra Strap!) he already had one from NIKE, but somehow it mulfunctioned. so he's currently looking for another one. can;t seem to find one that he likes. haha anyway we walk around the place a bit and came home.
came home, suddenly have the urge to drink alcohol! hahaha nowadays its either mahjong or alcohol for me. so UNHEALTHY! haha must at least made sure the alcohol are organic... LOL just kidding! nah. must cut down drinking.
Yup definately cut down on alcohol~~ *drinking red wine as i am writing these.* haha no lar. i'm just a social drinker. i dun really drink that often. haha please dun think of me as those people who gets themself drunk every other day of the week.
anyway HAPPY NATIONAL DAY to ALL~~~~~~
Song of the day: Stephanie Sun - We Will Get There.
(yeap, its the national day theme song from Yr 2002, but i tot it was the best and my personal fav among all :P)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
A Miserable Day
was at home the whole of today, and felt so miserable, felt so restless. i was tossing and turning on my bed, unable to sleep, even after taking medication. so i decided to jio my frens for mahjong.
logged onto IRC, toked to meow, and XLL darlin, and sent an sms to taka.
XLL darling got bowling competition tonight, so no choice.
Taka tell me he and wonder planning to go movie. and told me to ask wonder if wan or not lor... i was like... Duhz.... not my boyfriend, you cannot ask meh.... anyway they decided to go movie, even when i was like begging liao. (yeap, dats how miserable i was at home the whole day feeling sick, i need to get out.)
the only one willing to entertain me was Meow Meow. he was usually not very keen in playing in slow players, but he actually willing to settle for buaya today. hahaha just cos i wanna play mahjong.
i msn buaya, and he told me he is meeting his boi tonight. but he highlighted that he will be free on sunday.
next i sms cubby, but he was in vivocity shopping. so bo bien, but he did promise me next time :)
went back to IRC, elmo said he might be canceling his dinner appointment. so i asked him if he wans mahjong. he told me he is going dinner. (and yet i saw him online at 8 plus)
i must say, meow meow is really something, as we have not enough people, he actually can persuade his frens to agree to play mahjong. but in the end still short of one. so the mahjong plan did not fall through. but anyway. meow offered to accompany me, for coffee/dinner. though i rejected the offer, but Thanks Meow, i really appreciate your effort.
so with the mahjong plan failed, i was kindda in a slump, rotting at home, i received 4 sms asking me out for dinners/ chats/coffees. but i just dun feel like going.
until about 7 plus, i decided that i maybe wanna watch movie, and sent an sms to 2 dates asking if they wanna watch movie with me.
both come back telling me, i'm sick, i should be resting at home. and die die dun wan watch movie with me.
i just wanna say, there must be a reason why i ask you to go movie, if i'm feeling sick, you think i will wanna even leave my house? and you think that if you dun wanna watch movie with me, i will not go ahead and watch it meh? biangz.
sometimes i do wonder, what's the point of having so many dates, when they are not there when you need them most, and they turn down your request thinking what's the best for u. even when they are free. they really think that i will do what they think is the best for me?
the only one who really knows me the most, knows that i do get very restless when i am sick, but he's on night shift. so he also bo bien. (no wonder meow likes him best)
think i really need to filter out those who i shouldn't be dating anymore. as soon as possible.
yup, at the end of the day, i was at home, in my living room, watching Project Runway Season 5 on Youtube the whole evening. damn.
oh ya. i am only running a fever, not flu, its not contagious.
damn... never felt more alone than anytime. duno, maybe i am having a depression ba. i might need a new hobby soon. and thanks meow for your effort to make me feel better. i really appreciated it.
my day only really start to brighten up, when my 2 adorable nephews called me on my cellphone checking if i am alright. when the older one asked me how am i feeling, i said "Xiao Shu Shu is okie lar. just very tired...." and " if xiao shu shu die tomorrow, will you be sad a not?" wah. the big wan was screaming for me not to die. and when the smaller one heard it, he burst out crying.
i was like. WAh... Cham liao. my bro took over the phone. and scolded me a bit for toking nonsense to the kids. haha :P
ya they warmed my heart a little. so i promised to visit them when i recover, and put down the phone. and settled down to write this blog.
to anyone who have a bf: he is most depress and fragile when he is sick. be more sensitive a bit. try to give in to him.
I'm sure every knows that women all have their G spots which is somewhere in their virginal, 2 inches below their belly button.
now... is there such a thing as G-spot for guys? i was trying to backtrack my memory, and trying to recall some of the things that my sex partner likes. some i asked some of my friends.
i've known someone who really likes to bite hard onto people's nipples,
i've known someone who achieve sexual heights when oneone's arms is in them (Read "Not For the Weakhearted)
i've known someone who likes to have their nipples licked softely.
i've known someone who likes to be spanked.
i've known someone who likes to be tied.
i've known someone who likes to be licked all over.
i've known someone who likes to be rimmed.
i've known someone who must be french kissing when he cums.
i've known someone who likes someone heavy weight lying on top of them.
i've known someone who likes their ass being dug.
i've known someone who likes people raping them violently.
i've known someone who, although is a top, but likes having a dildo inside him when he fucks.
i've known someone who cannot cums without poppers..
i've known someone who cannot stop himself from giving ppl love bites.
Gosh... i'm Bao Toh-ing some of my friend's sexual preference... hehehe
anyway... Stoner do not have any G-Spot or sexual preference. There are no special sexual acts that i specifically enjoyed. But i do achieve sexual heights seeing that my partner enjoys the sex. The look on their face, the soft groal, the manly moans... woah..
haha so does that means that i am eager to please? hm....
Song Of The Day: 陳奕迅 - 淘汰
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
call me old fashion, but i think the other TV drama i really like, other than Sex and the City and 秋天的童话, have to be 我和殭屍有個約會II (Date with Vampire pt 2)
Part 2 is also the very first series, out of the 3 parts, that i watched first. was kindda impressed by the computer graphics at that time. strong story plot and ultra short mini skirts. yeah... i like gals too then. haha the number of famous actors/actress in the show is.. huge~
if you happens to pass by any VCD shop, and see this show on offer. i recommend you to buy it :) i know some places sells like $20. a nice show... its practically a love story spread across 3 generations, and some curse spead across many generations. of cos, in between, there will be tidbits of demons here and there.
especially loved the theme song. (only the back part though. hehe)
went to see doctor earlier today.. sian... initially only wan to GENG MC, cos yesterday all my colleagues GENG MC lor. so i sms all that today my turn.
Choy choy choy... and now really sick. sigh.....
anyway wanna dedicate the below song to a Special Someone. cheers.
2 Timing
i have a fren, A, whom have been dating, B, for about 4 years. they know each other at a local suana. after a passionate sex, exchange number, talked on the phone, went on their very first date, then slowly, developed into a relationship thingy.
they will go for holidays every year...
the only curfew B has.... is that he do not sleep over at A's place. reason he gave was that he feels "pai say"
A and B meet on a frequency of 2-3 days a week. yes, even after 4 years, they are still meeting quite frequently.
When A first introduced B to me.... erm.... my heart skipped a beat.. i bedded this guy before :P, B and i had previously gone out for a few dates before, somehow i felt no sparks between us. but of cos, that was before they even knew each other. (how small is the AJ world?) but erm..... i chose to remain quiet, due to my young age then. i am happy i did that. look how well that couple turned out...
as years goes by, me and A got better and better, he began to tell me his problems with his bf. the main problem that exist is.... there are no problems. and this smooth relationship kindda freaks A out a bit. B was a loving person, he was everything that A could ask for. B is a very discipline person, he would pay his bills on time, holds a professional job, his time was very predictable.
A felt that B was too predictable, thus he usually do not even bother with what B do, when he have his "free" time. B will give loving sms to A to let him know of his "where-about" and such. in short, A was very happy with B.
a few weeks ago, i bumped into an very old fren, C, whom i have known for about 9 years. but lost contact for about 7 years, (i drifted away ever since i got attached) midway through chatting, i learnt that C have been attached for 8 years, and still going, but as C is an air steward, he is seldom in singapore. and he goes on and on about how accomodating his bf is.... then he showed me a "Neo-Print" of him and his bf.
my heart skipped again. there in the neoprint acting cute is C....... and..... B!! (OMG!) i asked what's B's name... and ta da~ i have confirmed that B is attached with another person! (Both my friends!)
B was 2-timing! OMG. my first instinct, i should tell A. but then.... whenever A tells me about B, he sound so..... blissed.
i was a bit vexed if i should tell my friend. but thinking deeper, why ruin 2 "perfect" relationships, all because of something i know? so being the usual "bo chup" person that i am, i remained quiet.
was simply surprised by A and C only. how could they have been attached for soooooooo long, without knowing that his partner is actaully attached with another person? oh well.... i do take my hats off B. LOL
Song Of The Day: 周蕙 -- 替身
A Warm Posting
so warming to read what he wrote about me. :) brightens up my nite :) thanks darling. Muaks
LupCheong's Blog
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Are You Shallow?
if there are 2 people who wans to bed you. (read: sex)
A) a very very to die for, nice body. those type that slim lover, stocky lover will like. BUT (yeap, there's always a cache) his face really cannot make it.
B) a very very cute face, but very chubby body.
which one will you choose?
(The above question is not applicable to chasers :P)
all along, i always thought that everyone will definately choose B. haha but hell i am so wrong. haha i actually have friends who actually will choose A. be it B's face looks like the type they love or not.
according to them, "Its only sex.. once you switch off the lights, you cannot see the face. but you definately will feel the body.... its always better to feel/lick/suck someone with a better body."
well. then i'm a B supporter. i always think that no matter how good your body might be, but if the face turns me off... then...... I'm sorry. In a way, i still think that ANYONE can train their body to become 6 pec, just depends on whether you want to or not.
or was it just me, i cannot bring myself to blow / blown by someone, whose face turns me off. haha so in a way, i MUST see who i am doing with. haha so i guess people like me definately cannot survive in in Suana's Darkroom. haha
The one who goes only for the body?
The one who goes only for the face?
in your opinion, which of the above are the "Shallow" ones? hehehe
and yah. i'm one of the shallow people. hehe but i have my principles. :P
PS: the above is strictly toking about ONS. possible-relationship cases are not being discussed in this posting.
Song Of The Day:
Faye Wong - Eyes on Me (Remix version)
i keep listening to this version the whole day, hope you guys like it as much as i do. :)
Your Carbon Footprint.
reason being very simple. what if you have already slept with his friends? or what if you were previously dating his friends? does it feels weird to know that your bf have actually slept with your friends before?
i mean.... on the same note. your friends knows what your bf's dick looks like, your friend knows that your bf likes to have his nipples licked, your friends knows that your bf likes his ear nibbled. Or worst... your friend knows the way your bf likes to f**ck /be f**ked.
i'm sure most of you guys out there is not that innocent, in the sense that you have never dated, bedded anyone in your lifetime. if you are a virgin, and have never dated before, i congragulate you. you are excused from all the above mentioned worries.
but like i said. most of us are mere mortal, thus, we must have accumulated quite a number of sexual conquest, to a certain degree....
so the question comes, when your bf brings you to attend a party, which he intends to introduce you to his group of friends, are you worried that, you have slept with one of them / a few of them? so if SWAY SWAY, that really happens, what will you do?
will you....
A) Tell your bf immediately?
B) Find a chance to bring that fling one side and beg him not to tell?
C) Act blur like nothing happened, hoping that your fling will not tell, and your bf never will know?
i was pondering about this issue. if i were that in that situation, i most proberly will hope that my bf comes clean with me, rather then me acting like a fool, while i were trying to make my fren tok to my bf. (when they had already been more intimate)
everyone must understand that we all are no saints.... thus, the carbon footprint we left behind always tends to cause some demage. thus these type of things happen both ways...
although he might have already slept with your friends, but what makes you so sure that You had Never slept with one of his?
what's past is past, do not keep brooding over what have already happened, i mean, when he decided to have a fling with your friends, he might not have even known you lor. so why be upset over things that happened before you appear? the most important thing that you SHOULD mind..... is that it DID NOT happen after you are attached. anything before, just close one eye ba.
A Pug.
all of a sudden, have the urge to go get myself another dog.... then remembered that i can be rather impulsive at times, so decided to wait a few weeks to cool off first. Then will decide if i wanna get another dog. but i was browsing through the net, and came across pics of many dogs. only one breed, i have feel in. (not even the breed of my Ah Boi caught my attention lor)

just look at the soulful eyes.... biangz... just makes you wanna pick him up and kiss him nonstop!

a pug puppy. thought it looks like a piglet though. neitherless... still adorable. hahah showed the pics to some friends, telling them i am interested in getting a pug... most of them say.... "You got Weird Taste~ so Ugly!"
haha ugly meh? i tot looks unique and cute ley......
I have even decided to name it: Gadget *my surname* Ah Touch! hahaha (lame i know. but i like ley :P)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Aneros Prostate Massager
Most dildos are targetted at women.... however i did find one that is targetted at men. haha yah.. i owns one. bought a few years back. even though i read the testimonal and an quite interested in the "Hard-less" ejaculation. thus i went down to "U4ria" at orchard emerald to get it. was a bit pai say when i enter the shop. the lady salesgal was really very friendly and very open. i was like "Wah...." she was introduing me all the good and bad point of most of the sex toys OPENLY! haha anyway i quickily bought what i wanna buy and left the place in a swift.
After i bought the Anerox. i did try it on myself, and dunno izzit cos of the antisipation, or what.... i never achieved the so call orgasm that it claim it can bring. end up. its locked up in a suitcase on top of my cupboard for a long time. i even forgot that i owns one! haha i was focusing on the masturbator that i also bought during the trip. haha
a few months ago, when i was clearing my unwanted stuffs, this toy resurfaced. i was thinking... hm..... maybe try again later ba....
later that evening, i inserted that into my anus... and erm.... i still din get any form of orgasm from it. haha maybe i was too tired by the cleaning of my room that day..... i felt asleep halfway while JOing with the aneros inside me... haha WITHOUT Cumming!
i woke up feeling weird.. usually when i wake up from sleeping, i will just open my eyes, stare in space for 1-2 mins before i move. so when i try to turn my body to face upwards. (i was sleeping sideways), i suddenly felt a sensation from inside my body. which kindda shocked me. i totally forgot i had something in my ass! haha
then i suddenly felt a similar sensation which i hadn;t felt in years.... do you remember the very first time when you jerk off? and when you first cum, that ultra very very intense feeling? as you grow older and more experience, the cumming part becomes less and less intense.....
well... i suddenly had that very intense contraction feeling again, whenever i try to move my body! but this time my dick was only semi hard. after a while, i just start cumming everywhere...(and the quantity was scary..).. but the amazing thing is... post cumming, the contraction did not stop there. i was still feeling it... (and kindda enjoying it too :P)
after a while more. i started cumming again! this time my dick was soft. so i was kindda amazed.
the 2nd time felt more of like..... someone was topping you, and you auto cummed? :P
anyway the whole thing lasted about 15 mins. as my body gets more tensed. i was kindda in a state of shock lar. and.... ya. my cum was everywhere. :P
damn.... and i had to change my bed sheet again. my mum was like" Why are you washing your bedsheets again? i tot you just changed?" i merely kept quiet...(i usually do all my laundry, including my own bedsheets btw)
i did attempt to try again after that... but somehow, just couldn;t get there. hahaha maybe i should just insert it in, and then sleep. LOL who knows. maybe the next day when i wake up, "surprise" might awaits me again.
oh Warning.... you will get VERY DRAINED after the orgasm. and really depends on your body, some might not get the advertised orgasm . from the time i bought , to the time i had my first prostate orgasm... the duration took 3 years! damn. haha how nice if i can get that everytime i use that right? ahahaha i think you must be very very very relaxed for the thing to work....
anyway.. just in case you are interested to get any sex toys but too shy to get it at the store. below is the website of U4Ria. haha they provide home delivery :P
U4Ria Website
i will also attach the official website of Aneros. and also explain a bit on how it works.
Aneros Website
The Aneros converts the body's own anal-sphincter muscle contractions into fuel for itself. Each "squeeze" of the anal-sphincter causes the Aneros to pivot forward, providing a direct internal massage of the prostate. When the man "relaxes" the sphincter muscle, the Aneros pivots back, pressing on the pernieum for an external prostate massage. The man's body becomes in tune with this cycle of squeezing and relaxing, and he begins to experience involuntary contractions of the sphincter muscle.