i can only say that i am quite adventurous when it comes to sex. always looking to try new things. but there are times when things get out of hand.
just for the record, scat and S&M are not in my "To-Do" List :P.
So anyway, was walking around in Guardian and came across this lubricant called PLAY TINGLE. was kindda attracted by the green bottle ( i like GREEN! haha) and i have tried their PLAY WARMING before, and quite like it. i bought the lubricant. but as i was previously using Durex 2 in 1 massage gel and lubricant. so i didn't really start using the TINGLE immediately.
just for the record, scat and S&M are not in my "To-Do" List :P.
So anyway, was walking around in Guardian and came across this lubricant called PLAY TINGLE. was kindda attracted by the green bottle ( i like GREEN! haha) and i have tried their PLAY WARMING before, and quite like it. i bought the lubricant. but as i was previously using Durex 2 in 1 massage gel and lubricant. so i didn't really start using the TINGLE immediately.

There was once, i went out with a date, and both of us got horny.... and..... the topic of sex came up. so instead of talking about sex, we decide to do the actual action. LOL the initial agreement was that we take turns fulfilling the role of the Top and Btm. (yup, he's a flexi too)
Anyway, the PLAY TINGLE lubricant was used in the foreplay... (read: fingering), the moment i had the lubricant applied on my ass, i immediately regretted buying that. The "Menthol" feeling was so great, that i immediately jumped out of the position that i was in. Yup, the feeling was soooooooo intense that i totally could not felt any other things at my back. :P its just felt like someone had created a mixture of 风油 (Medicated Oil) and normal KY, and aplied it on your ass. (OUCH!)
damn, but i think the other party was already very high, so i just bit my lower lips and went through the whole thing. LOL damn, i was trying all my might to make him cum fast! haha the "Cooling Effect" was like. ARGHHHHH i can only say it took away all my Horniness. LOL
thank god, he din take long to cum, after he came, i think i let out a Sigh of Relieve. LOL and he just lie on the bed, offering to let me do him. it was only then that i let out the news about the "Cooling effect" of the lubricant. he was a bit stunn at first. he had not associate the "cooling effect" that his fingers felt, with my ass :P only then did it hit him. LOL anyway, i just let him jblew me. since we are both already inside a hotel, i tot that i might as well come. LOL (Cheapo i know. haha)
anyway for the next 2 hours, i was like walking around with the feeling like i had medicated oil spilled on inside of my ass. DAMN.
came home, went to google website and saw the following.....
"This long lasting Play Tingle lubricant can be applied all over the body making it ideal for a top to toe tingling experience.
Water soluble and safe to use with condoms
Non greasy and odourless
Available in 100ml
Play Tingle is not suitable for internal anal use
Avoid contact with delicate, porous, painted or polished surfaces "
Damn!!! Why had they not printed the "Not Suitable for Internal Anal Use" ON the bottle itself? haha DOUBLE DAMN. hahaha
i tot the product was very stoopid. why would any one wanna masturbate / or why would anyone wanna have the feeling of spilling Medicated Oil on their Dick / Virginal? and the product MUST be used in conjunction of a condom, if not your dick will BURN! (at least that's what i think)
think, in future, i shall strictly stick to my trusted "DUREX 2 IN 1 MASSAGE GEL AND LUBRICANT", where a little goes a veryyyyyyyy long way. hahaha

below is a commercial of the Durex 2 in 1 gel. haha
Durex Play Tingle Lubricant Gel is long lasting, and so silky it can be used all over the body, making it ideal for a top to toe tingling experience
can we use DUREX 2 IN 1 MASSAGE GEL AND LUBRICANT", for anal sex??
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