Sunday, August 3, 2008

Your Carbon Footprint.

One of the things i most feared to do, is to meet the friends of the person that you are dating. and also to intro the person i am seeing to my friends.

reason being very simple. what if you have already slept with his friends? or what if you were previously dating his friends? does it feels weird to know that your bf have actually slept with your friends before?

i mean.... on the same note. your friends knows what your bf's dick looks like, your friend knows that your bf likes to have his nipples licked, your friends knows that your bf likes his ear nibbled. Or worst... your friend knows the way your bf likes to f**ck /be f**ked.

i'm sure most of you guys out there is not that innocent, in the sense that you have never dated, bedded anyone in your lifetime. if you are a virgin, and have never dated before, i congragulate you. you are excused from all the above mentioned worries.

but like i said. most of us are mere mortal, thus, we must have accumulated quite a number of sexual conquest, to a certain degree....

so the question comes, when your bf brings you to attend a party, which he intends to introduce you to his group of friends, are you worried that, you have slept with one of them / a few of them? so if SWAY SWAY, that really happens, what will you do?

will you....

A) Tell your bf immediately?

B) Find a chance to bring that fling one side and beg him not to tell?

C) Act blur like nothing happened, hoping that your fling will not tell, and your bf never will know?

i was pondering about this issue. if i were that in that situation, i most proberly will hope that my bf comes clean with me, rather then me acting like a fool, while i were trying to make my fren tok to my bf. (when they had already been more intimate)

everyone must understand that we all are no saints.... thus, the carbon footprint we left behind always tends to cause some demage. thus these type of things happen both ways...

although he might have already slept with your friends, but what makes you so sure that You had Never slept with one of his?

what's past is past, do not keep brooding over what have already happened, i mean, when he decided to have a fling with your friends, he might not have even known you lor. so why be upset over things that happened before you appear? the most important thing that you SHOULD mind..... is that it DID NOT happen after you are attached. anything before, just close one eye ba.

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