Tuesday, August 26, 2008


hmmm..... toked to the doctor today.... my mum is scheduled for operation tomorrow.... as the operation will be on her neck, the doctor said the success rate is frankily not very high. we are all keeping our fingers crossed at the moment. according to the doc, even if the operation is a success, my mum will not be able to recover to the way she was before.... anyway need to make plans to get someone to take care of her.... wondering if maid is a good choice....

lately try to go to the hospital on a daily basis. saddens me to see her lying there. as her lower body is paralyzed... and she is wearing a neck brace, there is totally nothing she can do but just lie there flat on the bed. stare at the ceiling. doing absolutely nothing.

did all i could to cheer her up. anyway i understand that some of my frens have been praying for her too.. thank you all. i thank you on her behalf.... *hugs*

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