Wednesday, August 6, 2008


damn..... am running a fever when writing these.....

call me old fashion, but i think the other TV drama i really like, other than Sex and the City and 秋天的童话, have to be 我和殭屍有個約會II (Date with Vampire pt 2)

Part 2 is also the very first series, out of the 3 parts, that i watched first. was kindda impressed by the computer graphics at that time. strong story plot and ultra short mini skirts. yeah... i like gals too then. haha the number of famous actors/actress in the show is.. huge~

if you happens to pass by any VCD shop, and see this show on offer. i recommend you to buy it :) i know some places sells like $20. a nice show... its practically a love story spread across 3 generations, and some curse spead across many generations. of cos, in between, there will be tidbits of demons here and there.

especially loved the theme song. (only the back part though. hehe)


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